Apply for a Property or Rates Certificate

How to apply:

  1. Open the form you need.
  2. Type your details in each field (using the Tab key to move through the fields).
  3. Select the Submit button at the bottom of the form to send us the electronic copy via your email client (such as Outlook) or,
  4. Select the Save to file button to save it to your computer and send to us using your webmail account (such as Hotmail, Gmail), or
  5. Print your form and send it to us by post.



Relevant fees are shown on each form.

A Customer Service Officer will check your form is complete and contact you for payment.

If you submit your application by post, you can include a cheque or money order with it.

Section 10.7 (2) Planning Certificate

All contracts of sale for properties must contain a planning certificate.

A Planning Certificate details mandatory information for a piece of land including:

  • land zoning
  • permitted and prohibited land uses (including proposed permissible and prohibited uses)
  • details of exempt and complying development
  • development controls and hazards. 

Planning Certificates are issued according to Section 10.7 of the Environmental Planning and Assessment (EP&A) Act 1979.

This was previously known as a Section 149.

The standard processing time for 10.7 certificates is 3-5 business days from time of payment.

An additional urgency fee is payable for processing certificates within 24 hours from time of payment (ie: 1 business day)  

Application for Planning Certificate(PDF, 335KB)

Section 10.7 (2) & (5) Planning Certificate

A Section 10.7 (5) Planning Certificate details additional items that may apply to a property such as:

  • studies
  • draft planning controls
  • loose-fill asbestos insulation
  • unauthorised earthworks
  • other information that Council may hold records for that applies to development of the land that is not included under the information regulated under the 10.7(2).

The standard processing time for 10.7 certificates is 3-5 business days from time of payment.

An additional urgency fee is payable for processing 10.7 certificates within 24 hours from time of payment (ie: 1 business day).

A Section 10.7 (5) Planning Certificate can only be purchased with a Section 10.7 (2) Certificate.

Application for Planning Certificate(PDF, 335KB)

Section 603 Rating Certificate

A Section 603 Rating Certificate identifies any outstanding rates, charges and debts payable to Council on a particular parcel of land.

A certificate is usually needed before a property settlement.

However, you may apply for a Section 603 Rating Certificate at any time. 

The standard processing time for 603 certificates is 7 days (ie: 5 business days) from  the time of payment.

The urgent application processing time for 603 certificates is 24 hours from the time of payment (ie: 1 business day).

Section 603 Rating Certificate Application(PDF, 341KB)

Outstanding Notices Certificate

This certificate details any outstanding notices or orders Council has issued for a parcel of land.

Notices or orders are those issued under Schedule 5 of the Environmental Planning and Assessment Act 1979 and Section 735A Local Government Act 1993.

The standard processing time for 735A Outstanding Notices and Orders certificates is 3-5 business days from the time of payment, however due to the nature of the certificate in some circumstances processing times may be longer to enable clarification of information. 

There is no urgency fee option payable for 735A certificate processing due to the nature of the certificate. 

Outstanding Notices Certificate(PDF, 328KB)