Growth and Housing Strategy

Kiama Council is embarking on an inclusive and dynamic journey and encouraging every member of the community to actively participate in this pivotal conversation that will shape the trajectory of Kiama's future. 

The growth conversation delves into the intricacies of our evolving landscape. 

Recognising the national housing shortage, and local government’s role in managing growth, we aim to collaboratively identify suitable sites for growth, explore practical solutions, and define essential infrastructure which are fundamental for responsible growth.  


The initial community engagement period has now ended, and we are currently in Stage 4: Finalise the Draft Strategy. 

The Engagement Report can be viewed by clicking the link below. 


How to get involved

The Engagement Report will be reported to Council in June, and it is anticipated the Draft Growth and Housing Strategy will be reported to Council in July. There will then be a further opportunity for community comment during the public exhibition period.

Growth and Housing - Engagement platform 

How the strategy will be developed

Development of the Growth and Housing Strategy will be a five-stage process. 

Stage 1: Commit and get ready

Project overview and scene setting.

In this stage of our Growth and Housing strategy, we will look to build understanding about:

  • How participants can be involved in the project and spread the news about the project
  • What are the expected activities that will roll out over coming months and what will this result in (completion of strategy)
  • The change that has occurred in Kiama over the past 30 years and how this change has helped to shape the places that are loved today.
  • The opportunities and challenges that growth presents and what this means to each person in the LGA.
  • The planning principles that will help shape the Kiama of the future and how community input has formed these.

Stage 2: Identify, assess and create

This stage of the strategy will focus on how we enliven our existing identified growth areas and precincts, and scope opportunities to plan on the ground for growth.

Stage 3: Shape the Strategy - future growth opportunities

In this stage we will transition from discussion about existing growth locations to future options. However, we'll continue to drill to next level detail (master planning/ precinct planning for identified sites). 

We'll also focus on reaching out to less-heard stakeholders (eg: youth).  Some questions we'll be asking on growth: 

  • Is more needed?
  • If so where should this be located?
  • What should it look like?
  • What are our constraints?
  • Where are the gaps in knowledge, evidence and data?
  • What are our options?
  • What infrastructure is essential for delivery?

Stage 4: Finalise the draft Strategy

In this stage, the draft strategy will be prepared based on the data, evidence and draft options identified.

There will be a focus on conveying what we heard from the community and stakeholders in previous stages and we'll include a section on how this has informed the draft Growth and Housing Strategy.

The Draft Strategy will be reported to Council for consideration and, if endorsed, will be placed on formal public exhibition (see stage 5). 

Stage 5: Draft strategy to Council and Community

The draft strategy will be reported to Council for consideration and will go on formal public exhibition for 28 days. 

Any feedback received during the exhibition period will be considered and incorporated as appropriate. 

The finalised strategy will go back to Council for endorsement, with an accompanying report outlining how any feedback received during the exhibition period has further shaped and changed the final Growth and Housing Strategy. 

Additional information

What is the Growth and Housing Strategy

Good strategic planning enables councils to work with their communities, NSW government agencies and the private sector to deliver new and diverse housing in more liveable neighbourhoods.

Strategic planning strategies use a place-based planning approach to help provide communities with great areas in which to live. They aim to provide walkable neighbourhoods that support active and healthy lifestyles, as well as create and renew great spaces.

Kiama Council's Growth and Housing Strategy will set out a clear plan to support the delivery of housing in our municipality and our region over the next 20 years. It will also identify if new housing opportunities are required, and if so, where and how these opportunities can be supplied.

The Growth and Housing strategy will  promote efficient use of land and infrastructure by aligning housing growth with supporting infrastructure and social services, such as schools, health facilities, water, sewerage and public transport, and plan for future needs.

Further information can be found here: Local housing strategies | Planning (

How is the evidence base established

The evidence base looks at housing supply gaps, specific needs, and development capacity.

Kiama Council's Strategic Planning Team have started an analysis of our area’s existing evidence base.

This included establishing the demographic background and future trends and demands.

A suitably qualified Urban Economist has prepared a housing supply feasibility analysis.

This analysis will identify the viability of housing development and likely take up rates of the theoretical capacity (for instance, housing supply capacity of existing land use controls).

Community engagement and collaboration will assist in establishing a vision and objectives of the Growth and Housing Strategy.