Get ready for emergencies - Businesses and community organisations
Businesses are the lifeblood of our community and helping them to be resilient to disasters is important to our economy as well as our social wellbeing.
Preparing your business for the unknown is simply good business.
Disasters can have expensive consequences, and they could devastate your business within minutes. Following a disaster, it can take months to get back up and running.
Preparing for disasters is as important to your successful business outcomes as making an annual business plan. Taking steps now to prepare against disaster is smart business. It can mean the difference between re-opening two days or two months after an event, or not at all.
How are you protecting everything you’ve built? There are a number of resources to help you get your business ready.
Get Ready Business has been specially designed to help NSW business owners prepare for disasters in five simple steps. This free toolkit includes an easy-to-use booklet to guide you through the five steps.
Sit down with your colleagues, staff and suppliers today and get ready.
Community organisations
Community service organisations are a vital link to our community before, during and after an emergency.
Community service workers know your clients and are trusted by them. Helping clients to be safe is something that community service workers do every day. By supporting people to be ready for emergencies, you can reduce the impact on your clients and help them to recover.
Find out about helping your clients prepare for emergencies, how emergencies are managed, and how to prepare your organisation.