Kiama local government area has a range of cycle ways for use. Find out all you need to know about shared paths, safety and rules around cycling.
If you have a permanent, mobile or temporary food businesses, you must get Council approval to operate in our area.
Our public health and safety forms for food, hairdressing, beauty and skin penetration businesses, and forms for public swimming pools and spas.
Register your hairdressing, beauty, or skin penetration business with Council so you can operate.
You need Council approval before you install, use or make changes to an onsite sewage management system.
Operators of public swimming pools and spas are required to be registered with council and meet health regulations.
What we do to promote your safety as a pedestrian, cyclist or driver.
Useful information for emergency situations including emergency contacts, how to get ready for emergencies such as flood and fire and useful tips for beating the heat.
The Australian walking track grading system helps categorise each walking track, determining the level of experience required, length of time to complete and terrain.