Mental health, addiction and suicide support

Crisis Support

1800 RESPECT - 1800 737 732 (sexual assault, domestic and family violence counselling service)

Kids Helpline - 1800 55 1800 (5-25 year olds)

Lifeline 13 11 14 

MensLine Australia - 1300 78 99 78

NSW Mental Health Line - 1800 011 511 - contact for community mental health crisis teams

NSW Rape Crisis Line - 1800 424 017

Safe Haven Wollongong - a welcoming and supportive place open to anyone who is distressed by suicidal thoughts, feelings, or actions.

Triple Zero - 000 if life or safety is at risk, phone emergency services 

Dealing with suicide - Support services

Australian Centre for Grief and Bereavement

Beyond Blue

Black Dog Institute

Compassionate Friends NSW (Kiama)

Support group for parents, siblings and grandparents affected by suicide. Group meets at 7pm first Thursday of each month. Contact Denise 0408 360 034 or or Jason at

Grief Journeys

Not-for-profit company providing therapeutic services and advocacy for people bereaved by suicide. Workshops and groups provide a safe and supportive space to process and integrate suicide loss using art, therapeutic activities, and relaxation

Illawarra Shoalhaven Suicide Prevention Collaborative 


Provides compassionate support for people in crisis

Reach Out

Leading online mental health organisation for young people and their parents 

Shelter Group Wollongong

Peer support group that meets via zoom fortnightly on Thursdays 6pm to 7:30pm: Shelter Group Wollongong

Stand By Support

Provides support to people bereaved by suicide: or 1300 727 247

Suicide Call-back Service 

Other Support Services and Resources


Thirteen-YARN is the first national crisis support for mob who are feeling overwhelmed or having difficulty coping, and empowers our community with the opportunity to yarn without judgement and provide a culturally safe space to speak about their needs, worries or concerns.
Visit the 13YARN website

Beyond Blue

Australian independent non-profit organisation working to address issues associated with depression, suicide, anxiety disorders and other related mental illnesses
1300 22 4636
Beyond Blue website

Black Dog Institute

Black Dog Institute website

Brother to Brother

A 24-hour hotline supporting Aboriginal men
1800 435 799
Brother to Brother website

Bushfire Support Service

Provides a quick and easy online mental health assessment tool for emergency service workers and their family
Bushfire Support Service website


Charlee takes a no wrong door approach and seeks to create a safer space designed by LGBTQIA+ peers, to connect other peers and supporters to resources that better reflect and address the experiences often faced by our communities
Visit the Charlee website 


For anyone aged 18 and over who is feeling down, stressed, lonely, isolated or worried

eFriend website

Gamble Aware

Gamble Aware is provided by the NSW Government  Office of Responsible Gambling and provides information on how to gamble safely, plus free confidential support for anyone affected by gambling

1800 858 858
Gamble Aware website

Gezza Cares

Community-led network based in Gerringong, with a focus on caring for our young people and young adults
Gezza Cares website


Digital suicide prevention hub, for the LGBTQ+ community (a service from ACON)

Visit their website

Illawarra Shoalhaven Compassionate Communities

Illawarra Shoalhaven Compassionate Communities Facebook page


Provides compassionate support for people in crisis. No judgement. No conditions. No agenda. Just a human connection to help people get through their darkest moments
Lifeline website

Mental Health Line

1800 011 511
Mental Health Line website

NSW Domestic & Family Violence Support

NSW Domestic & Family Violence support website

Open Arms - Veterans support services 

1800 011 046

Open Arms website


Provides anonymous and free LGBTI peer support and referral
Qlife website


Leading online mental health organisation for young people 14 to 25 years and their parents
Reach Out website

SANE Australia

1800 18 7263
SANE Australia website

Virtual Mental Health Care

Virtual Mental Health Care simply means consultations/appointments being delivered over video.

Virtual Care is the same care delivered remotely and is not replacing face-to-face by any means - it is just another option consumers can choose if it suits them. In fact, most consumers have told us that Virtual is ‘About the same’ as an in-person appointment.

People who have challenges in travelling or finding time for appointments are finding Virtual particularly helpful. There are also those who prefer to remain in the comfort of their own home.

Virtual-Mental-Health-Care-Flyer-June-22-v2.pdf(PDF, 402KB)

Youth and family support services

Be You

Beyond Blue’s national mental health in education initiative.

Be You website 

Headspace Kiama

11/65 Manning Street, Kiama
Open - Monday 8.30am - 5pm, Tuesday 9am - 6pm and Thursday 8.30am - 5pm
(02) 4225 5640
Headspace website

Head To Health

National digital mental health service.

Head to health website

Kids Helpline

1800 55 1800 – telephone counselling service.

Kids Helpline website


Online mental health service for young people and their parents.

ReachOut website