Families and Children


Child Safety

Kiama Council acknowledges the significant and lasting impact that abuse can have on children and young people.

Council plays a role in the prevention of abuse and contributes to the safety and wellbeing of the children and young people that use Council’s various services and facilities.

We are proud to be a child safe organisation and doing our part to mitigate risk to our Municipality’s youngest citizens. Over the last 12 months we have:

  • Consulted with Office of The Childrens Guardian
  • Consulted with our community and local schools
  • Endorsed a Child Safe Policy, and Behavioural Standards that apply to all employees, councillors, contractors and volunteers
  • Reviewed recruitment, induction and reporting processes and provided training and awareness across council.
  • Child Safe signage in community changerooms
  • Our child-facing facilities feature Child Safe messaging and information about where to get help
  • Updated Council’s Business Statement of Ethics and Complaints Handling Procedure
  • Updated Councils Event toolkit with Child Safe requirements

We are committed to the continual review of Child Safe practices, and welcome further feedback from our visitors and community

What is child abuse and neglect?

Child abuse and neglect can be classified in many different forms including physical abuse, sexual abuse, neglect, emotional abuse and psychological harm.

For a detailed reference on this topic, please refer to the Child at Risk of Harm and Neglect information on the Department of Communities and Justice website.

If you need help now

If you need help, assistance or urgent support, call one of the following crisis services:

Council's child protection framework

Kiama Municipal Council is committed to maintaining an effective, efficient and tailored Child Safe framework that supports the overarching objective of children and young people having safe and happy experiences while accessing council services and facilities while addressing potential risks and creates opportunities to continually review and improve this approach.

The Framework consists of:

a) Council's Child Safe Policy

b) Behavioural Standards for Keeping Children Safe

c) Consultation with children and families in our community

d) Risk Assessment

e) Signage and reference materials on what to expect and where to seek help

f) Complaints management process, documentation, evaluation

g) Child safe recruitment, induction, Training and statements of commitment for employees and other workers

h) Child Safe standards Implementation Action Plan

You can view our Child safe policy and Behavioural standards for keeping children safe here.

Making a complaint involving my child

Kiama Council takes complaints and allegations involving children and young people seriously. Where appropriate, complaints and concerns can be made directly to the service that your child/ren is involved in or you can email us at council@kiama.nsw.gov.au.

What is a Child Protection Allegation?

A suspected or confirmed concern or complaint involving a Council staff member or Council representative and children or young people (under 18 years of age). This is where the child or young person’s care, safety or protection may have been compromised as a result.

Child Safe Standards

The Child Safe Standards are one of a number of recommendations made by the Royal Commission into Institutional Child Sexual Abuse. They provide a benchmark by which organisations can assess their child safe capability. The standards provide guidance for organisations to create cultures, adopt strategies and act to put the interests of children first whilst keeping them safe from harm.

Kiama Council is working towards becoming a Child Safe Organisation through the implementation of the 10 Child Safe Standards.