An ecological community is a grouping of species, including plants and animals, that occur in a particular area.
An endangered ecological community is one that faces a high risk of extinction.
Legislation that identifies these communities are:
- Biodiversity Conservation Act 2016
- Environment Protection and Biodiversity Conservation Act 1999
These acts list:
- threatened species
- endangered populations
- critical habitat
- key threatening processes.
Endangered ecological communities identified in our municipality are:
- Robertson Rainforest
- Melaleuca armillaris Tall Shrubland
- Illawarra Sub-Tropical Rainforest
- Littoral Rainforest
- Swamp Sclerophyll Forest on Coastal Floodplains
- Swamp Oak Floodplain Forest
- Freshwater Wetlands on Coastal Floodplains
- Coastal Saltmarsh
- Illawarra Lowland Grassy Woodlands
- Robertson Basalt Tall Open Forest
- Bangalay Sand Forest
- Themeda grassland on seacliffs and coastal headlands.
The Illawarra Biodiversity Strategy provides a coordinated regional approach to biodiversity conservation through sharing of knowledge and resources between Illawarra based councils.
It also provides clear guidance on the allocation of internal and external funding to the highest biodiversity valued natural areas under Council care and control.
Volume 1 - Action Plan(PDF, 11MB)
Volume 2 - Background Information(PDF, 1MB)