Other animals

All animals need to be looked after and kept so they don't disturb neighbours or cause noise or health and safety problems including offensive odours and vermin.

The types of animals that can be kept in residential areas depends on what zone your land is in.

Information about some common animals can be found below. Please contact us if you can't find what you are looking for.


Keeping chickens is popular at the moment as it is a wonderful way to recycle your food scraps and get your own supply of fresh eggs. It is also a great way to help manage pests in the garden and reconnect people and children to the source of their food.

It's important to remember that roosters can't be kept in residential areas.

Council has created a fact sheet on keeping chickens(PDF, 661KB) in your backyard.

Guidelines about keeping chickens including the number of chickens you can have and how to house them is found in state legislation.


You can keep up to two rabbits of the same sex as pets if they are a domestic breed.

As rabbits are considered a pest in the wild, it's important you securely enclosure your rabbit so it cannot escape.

You should also vaccinate your pet rabbit to protect it from viruses used to control the wild rabbit population.

Kiama Council and Local Land Services conduct rabbit control programs from time to time.

This program will be conducted under strict baiting protocols and supervised by Local Land Services.  


If you want to keep bees at home you should speak to your neighbours to make sure they don't have any diagnosed allergies, then contact the NSW Department of Primary Industries to register.

It is compulsory to register with NSW Department of Primary Industries adhere to the Australian Honey Bee Industry Biosecurity Code of Practice.

You can also find information on the Illawarra Beekeepers website.

Livestock including cattle and pigs

You cannot keep livestock including cattle, horses, goats, sheep and pigs in your residential backyard.

Livestock can be kept on some types of rural land but you would need to follow the Kiama LEP 2011 and NSW Department of Primary Industries on how to keep the animals.

Large animals, such as horses, are not permitted on Council's beaches or the Kiama Coast Walk.