Planning Proposal Lot 3 DP 1018217 Dido Street, Kiama
Proposal to rezone Lot 3 DP 1018217 Dido Street, Kiama for residential purposes.
At its meeting held on 20 March 2020, Council considered and supported a request under Section 3.32(3) of the Environmental Planning and Assessment Act, 1979 for a Planning Proposal to rezoning Lot 3 DP 1018217 Dido Street, Kiama from RU1 Primary Production to R2 Low Density Residential.
OC18/1089 - Committee recommendation that Council:
- Endorse this Planning Proposal to proceed to the Department of Planning and Environment for a Gateway Determination.
- Request plan making delegations for this proposal as part of the Gateway Determination.
- On receipt of the Gateway Determination proceed with recommendations including requesting any further studies and public exhibition.