Frequently asked questions

What if i want to modify my approved plans or conditions of approval?

To change your approved plans or conditions or approval, you will need to apply for a Modification of Consent under section 4.55 of the Environmental Planning and Assessment Act 1979.

The modification process will vary depending on the scale and nature of the proposed modifications, and any statutory requirements.

Modifications fall into one of the following three categories: 

  • modifications involving minor error, misdescription or miscalculation 
  • modifications involving minimal environmental impact 
  • other modifications involving greater than minimal environmental impact. 

How to apply online

  1. Register for a NSW Planning Portal account to start your application.
  2. Log in to complete the online application form.



Can lapsing of consent be prevented?


Development consent for the construction of a building, subdivision of land, or the carrying out of a work, will lapse on the date specified unless all of the following happens beforehand:

  • building, engineering or construction work is started
  • the work has physically commenced
  • the work relates to the approved development.


What can I do if I don't like Council's decision regarding the determination of my application?

You have the 3 options if your DA is refused or granted with conditions you find unacceptable. 
You can:

  • request a Section 8.2 review of determination
  • start an appeal to the Land and Environment Court
  • change your proposal and re-lodge an application.

For more information see our Guide to carrying out Development or an Activity in the Kiama Municipality(PDF, 1MB).

All Section 8.2 reviews, Modifications and re-lodgement of applications are to be applied for via the NSW Planning Portal. 

Click here for instructions

How long does the assessment process take for a Development Application?

The general assessment period for a standard assessment is 40 days from time of lodgement (Fees requested and paid). 

The assessment period will vary for each application and depends on the application type, the quality of supporting documents submitted and whether it requires notification and referrals. 

What you can do to ensure your application is processed in a timely manner: 

  • Have a clear and detailed development description
  • Submit all the required documents as noted on the relevant checklists 
  • Ensure all documents are in PDF, labeled correctly and reference the correct property details
  • Regularly monitor your emails and /or the NSW Planning Portal for updates
  • Reply to any requests for additional information or correspondence within the requested time frame.

How do I know what is required on each architectural plan?

Every application may require different architectural plans depending on the type and development description. 

To find out what plans are required, refer to the relevant checklist.

To determine the requirements for each individual architectural plan, click here