Submissions on Development Applications (DA) must be made within their exhibition period.
Our Community Participation Plan outlines when and by what method we'll notify neighbouring properties or the wider community of a DA.
You don't need to make a submission if you have no concerns with a proposed development.
If you feel a DA will affect you and you make a submission, our Assessment Officer will consider it as part of the assessment process.
Submissions can be:
- in support of
- object to
- object to part of
- suggest ways of overcoming concerns with an application, or
- suggest alternatives to a proposal or element of a proposal.
During a DAs public exhibition period, most plans and documents are available to view on our Application Tracker.
Public submissions and your privacy
All submissions become publicly available.
If you don't want any part of your submission or your personal details released, because of copyright or other logical reasons, you must clearly indicate this in your submission together with an explanation.
Please be aware that even if you request that your information not be published, we may be required by law (such as under the Government Information (Public Access) Act 2009) in some circumstances to release that information.