Athol Noble Oval Jubilee Avenue, GERRINGONG 2534 Accessible from Jubilee Avenue or Rowlins Road. Tagged as: , Sportsfield Announcement : The current status is OPEN
Black Beach Old School Flat Shoalhaven Street, KIAMA 2533 Black Beach Old School Flat is in the heart of Kiama, next to Black Beach and our Olympic rock pool. It has an extensive flat grassy area with palm trees and park benches, and is a popular venue for wedding ceremonies, picnics and family gatherings. Tagged as: , Park/garden, Reserve, Rock pool, Sportsfield Announcement : The current status is OPEN
Bombo Hill Reserve North Kiama Drive, KIAMA DOWNS 2533 Located on North Kiama Drive, close by to Bombo Headland, The Boneyard and Bombo Beach. Tagged as: , Sportsfield Announcement : The current status is OPEN
Bonaira Oval Bonaira Street, KIAMA 2533 Situated on Bonaira Street, and leads in to Bonaira Native Gardens. Parking on Bonaira Street and Girrawheen Avenue. Tagged as: , Sportsfield Announcement : The current status is OPEN
Boxsell Reserve Fern Street, GERRINGONG 2534 Located at Fern Street, Gerringong. Tagged as: , Sportsfield Announcement : The current status is OPEN
Chapman Oval Bourrool Street, KIAMA 2533 Situated on Bourrool Street, overlooking Kendall's Beach and just south of Surf Beach Holiday Park. Tagged as: , Sportsfield Announcement : The current status is OPEN
Chittick Oval 1 Bong Bong Street, KIAMA 2533 Situated within the Kiama Showground complex overlooking Surf Beach. Tagged as: , Sportsfield Announcement : The current status is CLOSED until the 22nd of February 2025
Dorothy Bailey Oval Blackwood Street, GERRINGONG 2534 Located on Blackwood Street, Gerringong. Tagged as: , Sportsfield Announcement : The current status is OPEN
Gainsborough Chase Reserve Thornett Way, KIAMA DOWNS 2533 Located on both sides of Thornett Way, with large open spaces, shaded playground, picnic and sporting facilities. Tagged as: , Sportsfield Announcement : The current status is OPEN
Gainsborough Oval Opposite 30 Meehan Drive, KIAMA DOWNS 2533 Located on Meehan Drive, and forms part of the public reserve system at Kiama Downs. Tagged as: , Sportsfield Announcement : This current status is OPEN
Gerringong Netball Courts Blackwood Street, GERRINGONG 2534 Located off Blackwood Street, Gerringong. Next to Michael Cronin Oval. Tagged as: , Sportsfield
Gerry Emery Reserve Near 40 Bridges Road, GERRINGONG 2534 Located on Bridges Road. Tagged as: , Sportsfield Announcement : The current status is OPEN
Jamberoo Hockey Field Churchill Street, JAMBEROO 2533 A part of the Jamberoo Sporting precinct Tagged as: , Sportsfield Announcement : The current status is OPEN
John Hanigan Oval Churchill Street, JAMBEROO 2533 Situated adjacent to Kevin Walsh Oval, off Churchill Street. Tagged as: , Sportsfield Announcement : The current status is OPEN
Keith Irvine Oval Churchill Street, JAMBEROO 2533 Situated north of Kevin Walsh Oval, off Churchill Street. Tagged as: , Sportsfield Announcement : The current status is OPEN
Kevin Walsh Oval Churchill Street, JAMBEROO 2533 Situated on Churchill Street. Tagged as: , Sportsfield Announcement : The current status is OPEN
Kiama Netball Courts including Val Brunker Centre Terralong Street, KIAMA 2533 Netball courts - 7 hard courts and 2 grass courts. Located off Terralong Street, Kiama - between the Ambulance and Fire Stations, and the Kiama Leisure Centre. Also includes the Val Brunker Centre. Tagged as: , Sportsfield Announcement : The current status is OPEN
Kiama Showground 1 Bong Bong Street, KIAMA 2533 Situated at the eastern end of Bong Bong Street, overlooking the stunning Pacific Ocean. Tagged as: , Sportsfield Announcement : The current status is OPEN
Michael Cronin Oval Blackwood Street, GERRINGONG 2534 Situated on Blackwood Street. Tagged as: , Sportsfield Announcement : The current status is OPEN
Quarry Sportsfields (Kiama Sports Complex) Havilah Place, KIAMA 2533 Located on Havilah Place, opposite Kiama Leisure Centre. Tagged as: , Sportsfield Announcement : The current status is OPEN