Kendalls Beach
Kendalls Beach is located in front of Kendall's on the Beach Holiday Park.
Parking is available off O'Keefe Place.
This sandy cove is a popular fishing and surfing spot, and creates the perfect backdrop for a wedding ceremony.
The beach is patrolled during summer school holidays and offers picnic and playground facilities.
Emergency Relay Beacons (ERBs)

Kiama Council in partnership with Surf Lifesaving NSW installed ERBs at our drowning black spots: South Bombo Beach, Kendalls Beach and Blowhole Point.
In an emergency you can activate the beacon, which instantly connects you to the Surf Lifesaving NSW Operations Centre. A text message also alerts the nearest lifesaver or lifeguard.
Off O'Keefe Place, KIAMA 2533 View Map
Off O'Keefe Place ,
KIAMA 2533
Off O'Keefe Place ,
KIAMA 2533
Kendalls Beach