Jamberoo Heritage Review

locations aerials jamberoo


As part of the Kiama Local Strategic Planning Statement (LSPS), the community strongly identified the need to protect existing heritage buildings. As a result, Council are undertaking a review of Schedule 5 in the LEP.

Council has appointed Niche Environment and Heritage to undertake the Jamberoo Heritage Review. Members of the Kiama & District Historical Society have assisted with the project.

Niche finalised their investigation/review and submitted a Revised Summary Report and draft Heritage Inventory Sheets to Council on 31 January 2023. These documents can be accessed on this webpage. The suggestions of the report are further outlined below.


A drop-in information session was held on Thursday 16 February 2023 at the Jamberoo School of Arts between 4pm to 6:30pm. Interested Community members could register their interest  or drop-in on the day. 

The drop in session was designed to provide an opportunity for property owners and interested community members to ask questions and provide feedback.

The Strategic Planning team attended to answer any questions or concerns regarding the review, the assessment of property, or what being heritage listing or within a heritage conservation area means for you. Letters were sent to property owners with information that may answer any questions that they had.


Following this session, Public Exhibition will occurred for 28 days, following Council approval to commence the formal community consultation process.

The exhibition period provided the Community the ability to submit submissions either supporting or opposing the suggestions in the report, and any suggestions/amendments. Following exhibition a report was prepared for Council.


What is the Jamberoo Heritage Review project scope?

The heritage review’s tasks are grouped into 2 main areas of focus:

1. Heritage Review of existing items within Schedule 5; review of potential heritage items in Jamberoo nominated by members of the Kiama & District Historical Society; and suggestions for 2-4 potential heritage conservation areas within the study area, to be formulated.

2. Update associated inventory sheets for existing items within the Study Area and items proposed as part of this Review.

The review group provided approximately 40 nominations for review.


What is the status of the Jamberoo Heritage Review?

Niche Environment and Heritage have finalised their investigation/review with the Summary Report and draft and updated Inventory Sheets being submitted to Council early November 2022.

At our December 2022 meeting Council resolved to:

  1. Engage with the community, on the most appropriate ways to celebrate and conserve items and areas identified by Niche Environment and Heritage as being of heritage significance.
  2. Review and revise the documents listed in a. to c. below to correct anomalies and errors and re-present them to Council in early 2023.
    1. Jamberoo Heritage Review – Heritage Places Study: Summary Report
    2. Jamberoo Heritage Review – Existing Items
    3. Jamberoo Heritage Review – Potential Items Jamberoo Heritage Review documents
  3. Acknowledge the contribution to the study of Sue Eggins, Stuart Richardson and Michael Forsyth, as members of the Jamberoo Heritage Reference Group


Niche have submitted the reviewed Summary Report and Draft Inventory Sheets to Council on 31 January 2023, accessible from this webpage.

An information session will be held on Thursday 16th February. Public Exhibition will occur for a period of 28 days, likely in late March 2023, following Council approval.




What Items have been identified?

The Summary Report has identified that the following 15 properties satisfy at least one (1) of the seven above criteria and warrant engagement with the community to determine if there is an appetite for inclusion in the heritage register:


Potential Item Name


1 Allowrie Street

Jamberoo RSL Hall and Sandstone wall

Significance: High – Local, Meets criteria a), c) and g). Contributory item within Allowrie Street Precinct HCA

27 Allowrie Street

Small Cottage

Significance: Low -Moderate. Local historical significance but requires further research.

19 Chapel Lane

Timber Cottage

Significance: High - Local. Meets criteria a), g). To be included within the Kiama LEP, Schedule 5

48 Churchill Street

Timber House - 'Elmsmere'

Significance: High – local. Meets criteria a), c) and g). To be included within the Kiama LEP, Schedule 5

50 Churchill Street


Significance: High – local. Meets criteria a), c) and g). To be included within the Kiama LEP, Schedule 5

65 Churchill Street

Timber Cottage (Doctors surgery)

Significance: High - local. Meets criteria a), g). To be included within the Kiama LEP, Schedule 5

69 Churchill Street

Timber Cottage

Significance: Moderate - local. Meets criteria a), g). To be included within the Kiama LEP, Schedule 5

71 Churchill Street

Timber Cottage

Significance: High- local. Meets criteria a), g). To be included within the Kiama LEP, Schedule 5

197 Clover Hill Road

Glen Murcott Designed House

Significance: Exceptional - local. Meets criteria b), c). To be included within the Kiama LEP, Schedule 5

6 Drualla Road


Significance: High - local. Meets criteria a) g). To be included within the Kiama LEP, Schedule 5

16 Factory Lane

Small Dairy Cottage

Significance: Moderate - local. Meets criteria a) g). To be included within the Kiama LEP, Schedule 5

26 Factory Lane

Timber Cottage

Significance: Moderate - local. Meets criteria a) g). To be included within the Kiama LEP, Schedule 5

10 Golden Valley Road

House - Doone

Significance: High -local. Meets criteria a) g). To be included within the Kiama LEP, Schedule 5

218 Jamberoo Mountain Road

Walsh Farm- 'Homelands'

Significance: High -local. Meets criteria a) g). To be included within the Kiama LEP, Schedule 5

6 Macquarie Street

House - Original

Significance: High - local. Meets criteria a), g). To be included within the Kiama LEP, Schedule 5


What Heritage Conservation Areas have been identified?

The Summary Report has identified the following 2 HCA’s.

These areas will not be undertaken as part of this project. Council is seeking feedback during the exhibition period (likely to occur in late March 2023) as to whether the community would like to include these areas in Councils future budgets.

Properties within the areas have not been classified in accordance with State Heritage requirements and require further investigation as part of a future review. Given the volume and the areas residential context, Niche has indicated this classification process for Churchill Street HCA would cost approximately $7,000.

The Allowrie Street HCA only requires the assessment of a handful of properties and therefore would cost much less. Therefore, the Allowrie Street HCA could potentially be completed as part of this project. Council seek feedback regarding this during the public exhibition period.


  • Allowrie Street Town Centre Precinct HCA

Allowrie Street Town Centre Precinct HCA

  • Churchill Street Ecclesiastical Precinct HCA

Churchill Street Ecclesiastical Precinct HCA




What are the implications of being identified as a heritage item and/or area/

At this stage, no properties are being recommended by Council for heritage listing.

The purpose of reporting the Summary Report to the elected Council in December 2022 was to commence engagement with the potentially impacted property owners and broader community on the most appropriate ways to celebrate and conserve items and areas of heritage significance.

The implications of being identified as a heritage item and/or area differ depending on the significance of the property and the desire of the owners.

Council will be holding Information Sessions at the Jamberoo School of Arts in on 16th February 2023 to enable property owners to come and ask any questions they might have about the review and what being listed as a heritage item or within a heritage conservation area means. Similar information sessions were held during the Kiama Town Centre Heritage Review.

The community can provide submission and feedback during the public exhibition period, likely to occur in late March 2023.

Letters will be sent to properties within the identified areas with information that may answer your questions. If you are unable to attend the information session you can contact customer service via telephone or email with your enquiry for the Strategic Planning Team to assist.



How will the community be consulted with?

Following the information session, formal community consultation will occur.

Public exhibition will likely occur in late March 2023 for 28 days.

During public exhibition please make a submission as to whether you support or oppose the suggestions in the summary report.

If you oppose a property that has been suggested for heritage listing you will be required to make a submission during the public exhibition period outlining the reasons that you disagree. Submissions in support of heritage listings are also encouraged.

If you support or oppose the heritage conservation areas from being investigated as part of future heritage studies, please make a submission for Council to consider.

If there are any amendments you seek to make within the draft inventory sheet please provide these suggestions during the public exhibition period.

Once the Information Sessions have been held, the Summary Report and draft Inventory Sheets will be reported to the elected Council for approval to commence the formal community consultation process.

The Summary Report and draft Heritage Inventory Sheets will be available

The feedback received during public exhibition will be used by the Strategic Planning Team to prepare a Planning Proposal to amend the heritage register. A future report will then be reported to Council to commence the Gateway process.



When will the Jamberoo Heritage Review be completed?

The Jamberoo Heritage Review will be completed once any amendments, such as amending the heritage register, to the Kiama Local Environmental Plan (LEP) 2011 have been published on the NSW Legislation website.

The process for amending the LEP is known as the Gateway process. The Gateway process requires the preparation and submission of a Planning Proposal to the NSW Department of Planning & Environment. Consultation with Heritage NSW and a formal public exhibition period will be required.

The Gateway process can take approximately 12 months. It is therefore likely that the Jamberoo Heritage Review will be completed mid-2024.