Due to the delays in servicing our stillages have reached capacity and we are no longer able to accept the following items at our Council Recycling Centre until further notice; light globes, fluorescent tubes, aerosols, water-based paints, oil-based paints, motor oils, and non-motor oils
Allowable rate increase:
The total rate bill is calculated by Land Value x Rate in $ = Amount + Base Amount = Total Rate Bill
Residential (example):
Land Value
Rate in $
Base Amount
Rural Residential (example):
Farmland (example):
Council recognises that due to exceptional circumstances, ratepayers may at times encounter difficulty paying their annual rates and charges. Council has a Debt Recovery and Hardship Assistance Policy(PDF, 555KB) that provides a framework for providing relief to any ratepayers who are suffering genuine financial hardship.
Apply for hardship relief.
Not true.
Compared to other local Councils, Kiama’s average residential rates are in the same band as Shellharbour, Wingecarribee, Wollongong and Newcastle https://www.yourcouncil.nsw.gov.au/compare-councils/.
Not necessarily true.
After a revaluation, such as the recent one by the NSW Value General dated 1 July 2022, the distribution (or spread) of rates changes for each ratepayer. Because of this redistribution, your rates may increase, decrease or stay the same.
Council does not receive any more money due to land values going up, we can only increase our rates by the amount of the rate peg set by NSW Government’s IPART.
Only your residential (rate-in-the-dollar) amount is affected by the recent valuation. The base amount is the same for every residential ratepayer across our municipality. And Council can only increase rates according to IPART's instruction.
Kiama Council’s rates income for 2024-25 equates to $21.81 million.
Our operating expenses for 2024-25 are budgeted to be $69.83 million and income is budgeted to be $71.49 million.
As at 20 June 2024 our reserves are:
Grants take a lot of resources to apply for, work through and ensure the milestone reports and acquittals are all done correctly. Many grants require in-kind support or matched funding and still use Council resources (project managers, communications support, labour). Although we are genuinely grateful for all our grants and have achieved wonderful outcomes via grant-funded projects, they are not a panacea for our financial and resourcing challenges.
Residential $19,332,361
Farmland $811,353
Business $1,673,700
Rates are used to provide essential infrastructure and services to residents and ratepayers of our municipality such as parks & gardens, sports fields, roads, bridges, footpaths, swimming pools, beach safety and libraries.
If you’re experiencing financial hardship and struggling to pay your rates, please get in touch with Kiama Council prior to when your rates fall due. There are a range of options in place to assist you.
Find out more
Find out if you may be eligible for a pensioner rebate on your rates here https://www.kiama.nsw.gov.au/Council/Your-rates/Apply-for-a-pensioner-rebate
You can pay your rates online, via phone, in person, via mail, set up a direct debit or use BPay.
Absolutely, click this link to find out more.