Blue Angle Creek - Bank Stabilisation This project includes implementing bank stabilisation and erosion control measures for two priority sites along Blue Angle Creek, Crooked River. Announcement : This project is now complete.
Blue Haven Bonaira sale - FAQs Here's where to find all our updates, documents and other information about the options Council is exploring for Blue Haven.
Bombo Quarry staircase The staircase is intended to provide walkers exploring the Quarry a safe way to reach the nearby walking tracks and beach. Warning : Kiama Council reminds our residents and visitors that the Bombo Quarry staircase (Bombo Headland Eco Walk) remains closed to the public.
Bonaira Oval carpark Council is constructing a new carpark at Bonaira Oval, Kiama, providing improved carparking for users of the Oval. This includes improved accessibility, safety and pedestrian access. Announcement : This project has been completed.
Bong Bong Street and Railway Parade precinct traffic upgrades Kiama Council is undertaking traffic safety works along Bong Bong Street and the top of Railway parade. Announcement : This project is now complete.
Chapman Oval amenities Kiama Council is providing an amenities building at Chapman Oval to provide for nearby sports fields used by women’s softball teams. Announcement : This project has been completed.
Coastal Management Program We're developing a Coastal Management Program to help Council and others manage our coastline in a coordinated way, using a science science-based approach. Announcement : This project is complete.
Crown Land Plan of Management Council is preparing a plan of management for council-managed crown land in accordance with the Crown Land Management Act 2016 and Local Government Act 1993. This plan of management will enable the effective long-term management of this crown land through established planning, resource management and maintenance. Announcement : This project has been completed.
EV charging stations at The Pavilion Kiama Council is installing two EV charging stations at The Pavilion Kiama.
Renewable energy projects What we've done to save energy and harness renewable energy in our buildings.