Coastal Management Program
This project is complete.
Kiama Council has finalised a Coastal Management Program (CMP) for the open coast of the LGA.
The CMP will provide Council, other organisations and our community a practical and coordinated way to manage our coastline, using a science-based approach.
This includes identifying coastal hazards and risks, preserving habitats, maintaining or improving recreational amenity and improve the ability of our coastline to withstand future challenges such as climate change.
The CMP focuses on the open coast from Minnamurra in the north to Seven Mile Beach in the south.
The CMP has been prepared using the NSW Government Coastal Management framework.
It meets the requirements of the Coastal Management Act 2016, the Resilience and Hazards State Environmental Planning Policy 2021 (SEPP) and the methodology prescribed by the NSW Coastal Management Manual.
The CMP has been completed with funding and technical assistance from the NSW Government Coast and Estuary Program.
Delivery of the actions and projects contained in the CMP will be considered as part of the 2025-25 budget preparation process.
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