Notice of Performance Improvement Orders Kiama Council has received a Notice of Intention to Issue Performance Improvement Orders from the Minister for Local Government, Wendy Tuckerman MP.
Council responds to Minister’s letter on performance orders Kiama Council has formally replied to the Minister for Local Government’s letter about issuing a performance improvement order and a financial adviser.
Council issued with Performance Improvement Order Kiama Council has received a response from the Minister for Local Government confirming the issuance of a Performance Improvement Order (PIO) and the appointment of a temporary adviser, Mr Peter Tegart.
Minister to vary Performance Improvement Order Kiama Council has added a supplementary item to this week’s Extraordinary Meeting agenda that contains correspondence from the Minister for Local Government – Notice of Intention to vary a Performance Order.
Variation to Performance Improvement Order Kiama Council today received the finalised variation to its Performance Improvement Order (PIO) from the NSW Minister for Local Government Ron Hoenig MP.
Performance Review Committee To advise the Councillor membership and meeting times for the Performance Review Committee
Minutes of the PIO Implementation and Oversight Committee Minutes from the PIO Implementation and Oversight Committee