Hindmarsh Park update

Published on 16 July 2024


Kiama Council’s contractors Growth Civil Landscapes have been moving heaven and earth (including a significant amount of mud) to ensure the new Hindmarsh Park playground is ready for the Spring school holidays.

Despite the wet weather they’re sticking to schedule, with the major features of the $4.5 million upgrade now taking shape.

The most prominent of these are the towers supporting the main slide, rope climbs, bridges and inclusive play elements.

Also noticeable are the new set of swings with the shade canopy.

Less obvious are the springers, trampoline and carousel, which are also in place.

The rock-climbing wall is also close to completion.

If you’re walking along Terralong St you’ll also notice the new street furniture, i.e. picnic tables and chairs, are all in place.

On the Shoalhaven St side, the bike lockers and repair station are in place next to the bus stop.

The picnic tables, seats, water bubbler and BBQ have all been delivered and just waiting other work to be done before they go in at the playground.

If the rain holds off, we’ll soon be able to add the rubber soft fall below the play equipment.

The mulch soft fall will be added once everything else is in place.

The same goes for the native landscaping, which will form the finishing touches for the discovery trail and other areas.

The base of the new Orry Kelly stage is taking shape, with the stairs and perimeter path completed.

That just leaves the new canopy, which is with our manufacturer.

All in all, we’re looking on track for having the new playground open for the next school holidays in October.

Our thanks once again to the NSW Government for their funding support through the NSW Public Spaces Legacy Program, Stronger Country Communities Program and Active Transport Program.