Council developing Open Spaces and Recreation Strategy
Published on 27 June 2022
Work has begun on the development of Council’s first Open Spaces and Recreation Strategy.
The Strategy will look at the current state of our sporting facilities, play facilities, parks and open spaces and identify future priorities and investment.
There will be extensive consultation undertaken with key stakeholders and the community, broken down into two main areas:
- Sporting fields and facilities
- Parks, play spaces and open spaces
Input by users and the community is integral to the development of the Strategy.
At this stage, Council is meeting directly with user groups to capture the current state of the sporting fields and facilities, and parks and play spaces and hear users’ needs and desires for upgrades and improvements that will benefit the community.
Council’s Sports Project Officer and Manager Commercial Services have begun on-site face to face meetings with sports clubs and associations to hear firsthand information and history around the use of each sports field and facility including the infrastructure and amenities.
So far they have met with 11 sports clubs and associations.
A draft Open Spaces and Recreation Strategy will be reported to Council and placed on public exhibition by the end of 2022.