Referendum - Popularly Elected Mayor

Kiama Council is providing our community the opportunity to directly elect their Mayor. 

Council will be asking voters at this year's local government elections in September, whether in future they want a popularly elected Mayor.

We've put together some frequently asked questions, so that you have all the information you need to make an informed decision.


What will the question on the ballot paper be?

Your referendum ballot paper will ask the following question:

The Mayor of Kiama Municipality is currently elected every two (2) years by the nine (9) Councillors. Do you want to change to the direct (popular) election of the Mayor by the voters of the Kiama Municipality, for a four (4) year term?

Note: regardless of the outcome of this referendum, Kiama Municipality will continue to have nine (9) Councillors, including the Mayor.

You will have the option to vote either YES or NO.

If the majority vote YES to move to a direct/popularly elected Mayor, when will the first Mayoral election be?

If the referendum result is ‘Yes’, the change will come into  affect for the Local Government Elections in 2028. So residents of Kiama Municipality will get the first opportunity to directly elect their Mayor in four years’ time.

What happens if the majority vote NO?

If the majority of residents in Kiama Municipality vote ‘No’ in the Popularly Elected Mayor constitutional referendum 2024, nothing will change. Kiama’s Mayor will continue to be elected by the Councillors every two (2) years. 

Will the number of Councillors change?

No, Kiama Council will continue to have 9 Councillors, including the Mayor. (The Mayor is a Councillor.)

Electoral candidates can nominate themselves for Mayor and Councillor or just Councillor.

What about the election of the Deputy Mayor?

The Deputy Mayor will continue to be elected by the Councillors every two (2) years. 

What if the Mayor needs to step down?

Similar to if a Councillor steps down or is unable to complete their term, there would be a by-election. Unless it is within 18 months before the date specified for the next Council election.

In this instance, the vacancy is to be filled by the Governor appointing a councillor nominated by council to the position of Mayor. 

What are the cost implications of a popularly elected Mayor?

Moving to a popularly elected mayor will increase the cost of each Local Government election for Kiama Municipal Council in the future.

It costs approximately 10% more per election to directly elect the Mayor. This is because the electoral office has to conduct two ballots and do additional counting.

The NSW Electoral Commission estimates the cost of a popularly elected mayor will be approximately $22,000 per election. This cost will change with each election, as the number of voters in Kiama grows, and election costs increase.

How do I vote in the constitutional referendum 2024?

You will be given an additional ballot paper with your usual Local Government election ballot, which will pose the question:

Do you want to change to the direct (popular) election of the Mayor by the voters of the Kiama Municipality, for a four (4) year term?

Voters simply have to write 'yes' or 'no'.

Do I have to vote?

Voting in referendums is compulsory as is voting in local government elections.

Why would I vote ‘yes’?

Reasons you may vote ‘yes’ in the constitutional referendum to popularly elect Kiama’s Mayor include:

  • The position of mayor, as the leader of Council, will be determined directly by the voters
  • A popular election of the mayor could make the position of mayor more accountable to residents
  • A popular election of mayor could give residents an opportunity to consider mayoral candidates’ policies and vote accordingly.

Why would I vote ‘no’?

Reasons you may vote ‘no’ in the constitutional referendum to popularly elect Kiama’s Mayor include:

  • Mayoral elections will be at an additional cost to Council every four years (see details


  • Candidates with greater financial and other resources to promote themselves in an election may have an advantage over candidates with fewer resources

  • Enabling councillors to elect and change their mayor could result in a more collaborative Council.


Can non-residential ratepayers vote?

Yes, but you need to register by completing the following form:
