Community Plans

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Our 4-year Delivery Program details a broad plan for the activities, services, programs and infrastructure we'll conduct.

The 1-year Operational Plan details the specific projects, events and services we'll carry out in the year to achieve our Delivery Program activities in the timeframe.

It includes Council's predicted expenses and revenues for the financial year.

The Delivery Program and Operational Plan form the next level under our Community Strategic Plan. 

Council has prepared its Strategic Finance & Governance Improvement Plan both as a requirement of the varied PIO, issued by the NSW Government on 24 May 2024, but also to reiterate Council’s primary obligation is to be financially sustainable and make effective use of the public funds entrusted to us and ensure the responsible management and planning of community assets, so that future ratepayers are not burdened unnecessarily.

The varied PIO requires Council to become financially sustainable by the 2026-2027 financial year.

Council will provide bi-monthly status reports on the actions of the Strategic Finance & Governance Improvement Plan to both the elected body and the NSW Office of Local Government. Copies of these status reports will also be published here.


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