Megan Dalley Memorial Award

Portrait of Megan Dalley

The Megan Dally Award recognises outstanding performance by a Council trainee, apprentice or cadet.

The Award is in memory of Megan Dalley, an outstanding Kiama Council customer service trainee of tremendous ability, attitude and commitment, who was tragically killed in a car accident in 2007.

2024 Award recipient

Hallie Le Maitre

Hallie personifies dedication and proficiency in her roles at Kiama Council.

This began in Customer Service, where her knack for troubleshooting IT issues quickly became evident.

Provided the opportunity as an IT Cadet Hallie has turned her natural IT abilities into a promising career in Information Technology.

Throughout her two-years at Kiama Council, Hallie has received universal praise from colleagues and customers for her exceptional customer service and problem-solving skills.

She goes above and beyond to resolve problems with a proactive approach and positive attitude.

Hallie not only excels in her own work but actively shares her knowledge with her colleagues, underscoring a selfless commitment to excellence.

Hallie’s workplace achievements come while also managing full-time university studies, where she also demonstrates her pursuit of excellence.

Her diligence, eagerness to learn, and 'can-do' attitude make her a valuable asset to her IT team, her other colleagues and our community members that rely on Council’s IT and Customer Services.

She is a deserving recipient of the Megan Dalley Award.


2023 Award recipients

Ellah Cooper

Kiama Council’s apprentice painter Ellah Cooper received the Megan Dalley Trainee Award for 2023.

Ellah was nominated for her skills as a painter and positive attitude to her work.

While a first-year apprentice, her supervisor said Ellah showed great potential, describing the quality and efficiency of her work as equal to a fully qualified trades person.

Her colleagues also praised Ellah as always happy, polite and friendly, with a ‘can do’ attitude.

This included being ready and willing to learn, being flexible, and attending to any task, even the least glamorous, with the same enthusiasm.

This extended to any task, whether it involves painting or not.

Ellah is a deserving recipient of the Megan Dalley Trainee of the Year Award for 2023. 

2022 Award recipients

Ben Johnston

Parks and Gardens labourer Ben Johnston received the Megan Dalley Award for 2022.

Already a valued member of Council’s Parks and Gardens team, Ben Johnston stepped up to maintaining the street gardens in Kiama.

He tackled this new challenge with relish, working closely with the other horticulturalists, asking questions, getting advice and seeking assistance with managing some of our most high-profile gardens.

Ben also helped his team and coordinator by providing his own advice on tasks such as planting annuals.

He also stepped forward to work with our clean-up crews following storms.

Ben has made himself a popular member and crucial part of our Parks and Gardens team and is a deserving recipient of the Megan Dalley Award.

James Carli

Kiama Council IT cadet James Carli was recognised for his strong commitment to his work at Council and his study towards a Diploma of Information Technology at the University of Wollongong.

James also completed additional certifications and formal training in his own time to increase his knowledge and competencies. This includes certifications in emerging technologies which will benefit Council.

He showed a keen interest in all Council operations, with a particular focus on supporting our outdoor teams. James led the rollout of new technology and processes to these teams, including a non-traditional but successful approach to training the crews, helping deal with resistance to change and embracing the use of technology in day-to-day work.

His efforts extended beyond his role with IT helping build strong relationships between the indoor and outdoor teams. 

James Carli is a deserving recipient of the Megan Dalley Award for 2022.


Criteria for nominees

The nomination includes requests for:

  • Your contact information
  • Name and contact information of the person you are nominating
  • A supporting statement that outlines the reason for your nomination.

Nominations for 2024 have now closed. 

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