Our toddler pool is temporarily closed due to a pump malfunction while repairs are being made.
We are unable to accept a number of items during our Household Bulky Waste Drop Off including light globes, aerosols, paint, oil, gas bottles and fire extinguishers.
If you are unable to find what you are looking for and require assistance, please complete our Contact us online form, call (02) 4232 0444, or choose from one of the below options:
Our Council Administration building is home to Council Chambers, the majority of our Administration team including our Customer Service team who provide some Justice of the Peace (JP) services.
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Emergency contact information for reaching Council after hours.
Several options for lodging complaints to Council.
Report a problem to Council.
A list of contacts for external organisations and service providers such as Sydney Water, Telstra and Roads and Maritime.
Check out our A to Z list of who and how to report different types of air, noise, and land pollution.
Contact information for Council owned facilities and venues like Libraries, the Leisure Centre and Waste Services.
Are you considering organising and event in the Kiama LGA? Here's some resources to get you started.
Get involved by having your say on the latest plans and projects at Council.
DA enquiries or NSW Planning Portal assistance.
Find out how to request information from Council.
Contact our Public Officer.
Submit a media or communications enquiry to Council.
The National Relay Service (NRS) is an Australia-wide phone service for people who are deaf, hard of hearing and/or have speech communication difficulty.
All of Council's forms in one place.